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In this episode Shar Moore talks about the freedom in feminessence and how the future is all about women working together. Don’t miss her interview!
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Shar Moore is the Founder Editor in Chief of Feminessence® Magazine, a multi-international award winning Business Mentor and TEDx Speaker.

Shar Moore - The Freedom In Feminessence

Shar’s Lifestyle Group formed from humble beginnings and an inspirational story that would have many people curling their toes, Shar Moore is Founder + Editor in Chief of Feminessence® Magazine, a multi-international award winning Business Mentor and TEDx Speaker. Through Sharanis Publishing House, co-founded by Shar and her husband Russ, they profile people in business across Australia, the people behind the brands, the defining moments in their lives and the journeys that have led to where they are today. Feminessence® Magazine, launched in March 2021 and a series of Feminessence® anthologies further adds opportunity for Women who seek to operate within the female energy space, an arena Mrs. Moore feels most passionate about. Shar is also launching a TV Talk Show called ‘The Girlfriend Hour’ in mid 2022.

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I had the honour and pleasure to have this inspiring woman on my show and work together with her. When women are emerging and starting to support each other more openly, we take back our divine feminine power. Go check her out!

shar moore

Founder + Editor in Chief of Feminessence ® Magazine, a multi-international award winning Business Mentor and TEDx Speaker.

Through Sharanis Publishing House, co-founded by Shar and her husband Russ, they profile people in business across Australia, the people behind the brands, the defining moments in their lives and the journeys that have led to where they are today. Feminessence® Magazine, launched in March 2021 and a series of Feminessence® anthologies further adds opportunity for Women who seek to operate within the female energy space, an arena Mrs. Moore feels most passionate about. Shar is also launching a TV Talk Show called ‘The Girlfriend Hour’ in mid 2022.

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shar moore

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In this episode Shar Moore talks about the freedom in feminessence and how the future is all about women working together. Shar Moore is the Founder Editor in Chief of Feminessence® Magazine, a multi-international award winning Business Mentor and TEDx Speaker.

listen to shars' full audio episode

I had the honour and pleasure to have this inspiring woman on my show and work together with her. When women are emerging and starting to support each other more openly, we take back our divine feminine power. Check out her all new episode!

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